Wojciech Fangor Artist

Wojciech Fangor (born November 15, 1922 in Warsaw) is a Polish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, and co-creator of the Polish School of Posters.After private studies of painting at Felicjan Kowarski and Tadeusz Pruszkowski he obtained his diploma 1946 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.He started in the Socialist realism manner, creating the “Korean Mother” (now in the National Museum, Warsaw collections).1953–1961 was employed as assistant professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Since the Polish October, co-called “Gomułka's thaw” after the Joseph Stalins death he turned away from the socialist realism. He became one of founders of the Polish School of Posters. With Stanisław Zamecznik he showed 1958 the first Polish “Environment”.1961 he leaved Poland, settled 1964–1965 in West Berlin, 1965–1966 in England, since 1966 in United States, where he had lectures of art on art academies. He returned to Poland 1999. 1970 roku he had, as the sole Polish artist, an individual exhibition at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City.He lives now in the Błędów, Grójec County village near Warsaw. He designed 2014 the station walls of the second line of Warsaw Underground.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 15, 1922
Birth place
