A. J. Duhe American football player

Adam Joseph Duhe (born November 27, 1955) is a former American football linebacker who played eight seasons for the Miami Dolphins from 1977 to 1984 in the National Football League.Duhe played college football at Louisiana State University and was drafted in the first round of the 1977 NFL Draft and was the UPI AFL-AFC Rookie of the Year in his rookie year. He was a one time Pro Bowler in 1984. Duhe was often injured in his career and was released prior to the 1985 season.Duhe is probably best remembered for his performance in the 1982 AFC Championship Game against the New York Jets at the Orange Bowl in Miami. The game was known as the Mud Bowl, with the field doused in water and mud after a heavy rainstorm. At halftime, the score was 0-0. In the second half, Duhe intercepted three of Jets quarterback Richard Todd's passes, including one he returned 35 yards for a touchdown in the fourth quarter, to help the Dolphins to a 14-0 victory which sent them to Super Bowl XVII.Duhe made his acting debut in the episode "Walk-Alone" of the series Miami Vice. He also played the Cleveland linebacker in the 1988 movie Everybody's All-American

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 27, 1955
Birth place
New Orleans


American football player

Career start1977
Career end1984
Draft pick13
Draft round1
Draft year1977
Miami Dolphins

A. J. Duhe on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/D/DuheA.00.htm