Alfred Fincher American football player

Alfred William Fincher (born August 15, 1983) is a former American football linebacker. He was drafted by the New Orleans Saints in the third round of the 2005 NFL Draft. He played college football at Connecticut.Fincher has also been a member of the Detroit Lions, Washington Redskins, and New York Sentinels.Fincher worked as a fisherman in the Bahamas with ex-Connecticut teammate and NFL prospect Deon McPhee.Fincher now works with D1 Palm Beach as a college prep training coach.

Personal facts

Birth dateAugust 15, 1983
Height (meters)1.8542
Weight (Kilograms)107.9568


American football player

Career start2005
Debut team
New Orleans Saints
Draft pick82
Draft round3
Draft year2005
Former team
Detroit Lions
New Orleans Saints
Washington Redskins
Hartford Colonials
Free agent

Alfred Fincher on Wikipedia

External resources
