Anthony Alabi American football player

Anthony Abayomi Alabi (/ˈæntəniː əˈlɑːbiː/; born February 16, 1981 in San Antonio, Texas) is a former American football offensive tackle. He was drafted by the Miami Dolphins in the fifth round of the 2005 NFL Draft. He played college football at Texas Christian.Alabi has also been a member of the Kansas City Chiefs.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 16, 1981
Height (meters)1.9558
Weight (Kilograms)142.884


American football player

Career start2006
Debut team
Miami Dolphins
Draft pick162
Draft round5
Draft year2005
Former team
Miami Dolphins
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Kansas City Chiefs
Tackle (American and Canadian football)

Anthony Alabi on Wikipedia