B. J. Sams American football player

Bradley Jamar "B. J." Sams (born October 29, 1980) is a former American football player who was a wide receiver in the National Football League (NFL) for five seasons. He played college football at McNeese State University. He was signed by the Baltimore Ravens as an undrafted free agent in 2004, and also played for the Kansas City Chiefs and California Redwoods.

Personal facts

B. J. Sams
Birth dateOctober 29, 1980
Birth place
Louisiana , New Orleans
Height (meters)1.778
Weight (Kilograms)83.916


American football player

Career start2004
Debut team
Baltimore Ravens
Former team
Baltimore Ravens
Sacramento Mountain Lions
Kansas City Chiefs
Free agent
Undrafted year2004

B. J. Sams on Wikipedia