B. J. Symons American football player

Brian James "B. J." Symons (born November 19, 1980) is a former American football quarterback. Symons played professionally for the Houston Texans and the Chicago Bears of the NFL, the Frankfurt Galaxy and Berlin Thunder in NFL Europe, and the Tampa Bay Storm of the Arena Football League. He was originally drafted by the Texans in the seventh round of the 2004 NFL Draft (248th overall). He played college football for Texas Tech where he was a record setting passer.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 19, 1980
Height (meters)1.8542
Weight (Kilograms)95.7096


American football player

Draft pick248
Draft round7
Draft year2004
Former team
Chicago Bears
Houston Texans
Tampa Bay Storm
Berlin Thunder
Frankfurt Galaxy

B. J. Symons on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://texastech.cstv.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/symons_b.j.00.html