Bob Griese American football player

Robert Allen "Bob" Griese is a former American collegiate and Professional Football quarterback who earned All-American honors with the Purdue Boilermakers before being drafted in 1967 by the American Football League's Miami Dolphins. Griese led the Dolphins to three consecutive Super Bowl appearances, including two Super Bowl victories (he is the only Miami Dolphin quarterback to start and win a Super Bowl). Griese's talents eventually resulted in his induction to the College Football Hall of Fame and the Indiana Football Hall of Fame in 1984 and the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1990. He is a retired television commentator for college football on ESPN on ABC, teaming with Chris Spielman and Dave Pasch.

Personal facts

Bob Griese
Alias (AKA)Griese Robert Allen; Griese Robert A.
Birth dateFebruary 03, 1945
Birth place
Evansville Indiana


American football player

Career start1967
Career end1980
Debut team
Miami Dolphins
Draft pick4
Draft round1
Draft year1967
Former team
Miami Dolphins

Bob Griese on Wikipedia