Bernard Williams American football player

Bennie Bernard Williams (born July 18, 1972) is a former American and Canadian football offensive tackle. Williams was the Eagles first round draft pick in the 1994 NFL Draft and started all 16 games for them in 1994. Williams was known for smoking marijuana, a bad habit that started in high school. After his rookie season, Williams failed 15 drug tests and was banned from the NFL. He would later play for the XFL's Memphis Maniax, the AFL's Detroit Fury and the CFL's BC Lions and Toronto Argonauts.

Personal facts

Birth dateJuly 18, 1972
Birth place
Memphis Tennessee


American football player

Career start1994
Debut team
Philadelphia Eagles
Draft pick14
Draft round1
Draft year1994
Former team
Philadelphia Eagles
Detroit Fury
BC Lions
Memphis Maniax
Toronto Argonauts

Bernard Williams on Wikipedia