Billy Baggett American football player

William Boyce Baggett was a professional football player who played in the National Football League in 1952 for the Dallas Texans. Prior to playing professionally, Baggett played college football at Louisiana State University. In 1951 he played in the Blue-Gray Football Classic. During the 1951 NFL Draft, Baggett was drafted in the 22nd, 265 overall, by the Los Angeles Rams. However he never played with the team.Baggett was an All-American football player at LSU prior to his entry into the LSU Law Center; he was inducted into the LSU Football Hall of Fame in 1989.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 02, 1929
Birth place
Texas , Greenville Texas


American football player

Halfback (American football)
Dallas Texans (NFL)

Billy Baggett on Wikipedia