Brad Maynard American football player

Bradley Alan Maynard (born February 9, 1974) is a former American football punter. He was drafted by the New York Giants in the third round of the 1997 NFL Draft, and has also been a member of the Chicago Bears, Houston Texans, and the Cleveland Browns.

Personal facts

Brad Maynard
Alias (AKA)Maynard Bradley Alan; Maynard Bradley A.
Birth dateFebruary 09, 1974
Birth place
Tipton Indiana
Height (meters)1.8542
Weight (Kilograms)85.2768


American football player

Career start1997
Career end2011
Debut team
New York Giants
Draft pick95
Draft round3
Draft year1997
Former team
Chicago Bears
Cleveland Browns
Houston Texans
New York Giants
Punter (football)

Brad Maynard on Wikipedia

External resources
