Charlie Smith American football player

Charles Henry Smith (born January 18, 1946 in Natchez, Mississippi) is a former American football running back. He played two seasons for the American Football League's Oakland Raiders (1968–1969), and 5 for the National Football League's Raiders (1970–1974). He also played for the NFL's San Diego Chargers in 1975. He attended the University of Utah.Smith scored the go-ahead touchdown in the famous 1968 Heidi Game between the Raiders and New York Jets. Most of the country didn't see the touchdown because NBC had cut away from the game at 7PM right to the movie Heidi.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 18, 1946
Birth place
Natchez Mississippi


American football player

Career start1968
Career end1975
Draft pick110
Draft round4
Draft year1968
Running back
American Football League
National Football League
San Diego Chargers

Charlie Smith on Wikipedia