Clay Matthews Jr. American football player

William Clay Matthews, Jr. (born March 15, 1956) is a former American football linebacker who played for the Cleveland Browns and the Atlanta Falcons. He was the first round draft pick of the Cleveland Browns and played in 278 games over 19 NFL seasons, the 17th most appearances in league history. According to one source, he has the third most career tackles in NFL history, with no active player within 500 tackles of his mark.He is the father of Clay Matthews III, an All-Pro linebacker for the Green Bay Packers, and brother of Hall of Fame offensive lineman Bruce Matthews.

Personal facts

Clay Matthews Jr.
Birth dateMarch 15, 1956
Birth place
Palo Alto California
Height (meters)1.8796
Weight (Kilograms)111.132


American football player

Career start1978
Career end1996
Debut team
Cleveland Browns
Draft pick12
Draft round1
Draft year1978
Former team
Atlanta Falcons
Cleveland Browns

Clay Matthews Jr. on Wikipedia

External resources
