Clinton Jones American football player

Clinton Jones (born 24 May 1945)http://pro-football-reference. com/players/JoneCl00. htm is a former professional American football player in the United States from 1967 until 1973. Jones spent his college years at Michigan State University, and was originally drafted by the Minnesota Vikings in the 1967 NFL Draft. The pick used to draft Jones was one received by the Vikings from the New York Giants in exchange for quarterback Fran Tarkenton. Jones spent six seasons with Minnesota 1967 through 1972 before moving on to the San Diego Chargers for one last season in 1973. Clint Jones is a member of The Pigskin Club Of Washington, D.C. National Intercollegiate All-American Football Players Honor Roll. His Pro career highs were: 675 Yards 1971 180 Carries 1971 9 Touchdowns 1970

Personal facts

Birth dateMay 24, 1945
Birth place
