Dave Rowe American football player

David Homeyer "Dave" Rowe (born June 20, 1945 in Neptune City, New Jersey) is a former American football defensive tackle in the NFL for the New Orleans Saints, the New England Patriots, the San Diego Chargers, the Oakland Raiders, and the Baltimore Colts.Rowe is currently a college football television analyst, working Southeastern Conference broadcasts syndicated by ESPN. In 1987, Rowe was the color analyst alongside Gayle Sierens, who became the first female NFL play-by-play announcer when she called a Seattle Seahawks-Kansas City Chiefs matchup for NBC. Rowe played college football at Penn State and high school football at Deptford Township High School.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 20, 1945
Birth place
New Jersey , Neptune City New Jersey
Height (meters)2.0066
Weight (Kilograms)127.008


American football player

Career start1967
Career end1978
Debut team
New Orleans Saints
Draft pick53
Draft round2
Draft year1967
Former team
New England Patriots
Oakland Raiders
San Diego Chargers

Dave Rowe on Wikipedia