Dick Anderson American football player

Richard Paul Anderson (born February 10, 1946) is a former American football safety for the AFL's and NFL's Miami Dolphins, where he played for his entire ten year career from 1968 to 1977 missing one of those seasons with a knee injury. Anderson played college football at the University of Colorado in which he was named an All-American in his senior season and set a school record with 14 career interceptions. He was drafted by the Dolphins in the 1968 AFL Draft in which he was named the league defensive rookie of the year. He was a three time Pro Bowler in 1972, 1973 in which he was NFL Defensive Player of the Year and in 1974 in which he was one of the leaders of the Dolphins well known No Name Defense. Anderson was also the president of the National Football League Players Association from 1975 until he retired. In his 9 AFL/NFL seasons, Anderson recorded 34 interceptions, which he returned for 792 yards and 3 touchdowns. He also recovered 15 fumbles, returning them for 100 yards and a touchdown. On special teams, he gained 430 yards returning kickoffs and punted the ball 9 times for 335 yards. After retirement, Anderson became a successful businessman and a Florida state senator. In 1993, he was enshrined in the College Football Hall of Fame. His brother is Bobby Anderson, who was a running back for Colorado. His son, Blake Anderson played wide receiver for the University of Colorado. On December 3, 2006, Anderson was inducted into the Miami Dolphin's Honor Roll during halftime of the Dolphins-Jaguars game. He is one of two players being inducted this year, the other being Richmond Webb, who was inducted December 25 against the Jets. Anderson will be the first individual defensive back inducted into the Honor Roll. The entire 1972 Miami Dolphins roster is a part of the Honor Roll, including Anderson.

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Anderson Richard Paul; Anderson Richard P.
Birth dateFebruary 10, 1946
Birth place
Midland Michigan


American football player

Career start1968
Career end1977
Debut team
Miami Dolphins
Draft pick73
Draft round3
Draft year1968
Safety (American and Canadian football position)
Miami Dolphins

Dick Anderson on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.collegefootball.org/famersearch.php?id=60037
  2. http://www.footballcardgallery.com/player/Dick+Anderson