Frank Reich American football player

Frank Michael Reich, Jr. (born December 4, 1961) "Third" is a former American football quarterback in the National Football League for the Buffalo Bills, Carolina Panthers, New York Jets, and the Detroit Lions. For a time, he had the distinction of having led his team to the biggest comeback victory ever in both the collegiate and professional ranks. Reich and starter Jim Kelly formed one of the longest-tenured backup-and-starter tandems, playing together for nine years (1986–1994). He is currently the offensive coordinator for the San Diego Chargers.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 04, 1961
Birth place
Freeport New York


American football player

Career start1985
Career end1998
Debut team
Buffalo Bills
Draft pick57
Draft round3
Draft year1985
Former team
Buffalo Bills
Carolina Panthers
Detroit Lions
New York Jets
Offensive coordinator
San Diego Chargers

Frank Reich on Wikipedia