Frank Ryan American football player

Frank Beall Ryan (born July 12, 1936) is a retired American football quarterback in the National Football League who played for the Los Angeles Rams (1958–1961), Cleveland Browns (1962–1968) and Washington Redskins (1969–1970). Although he led the Browns to their last National Football League title in 1964, Ryan is best remembered for being perhaps the only Ph.D. in mathematics to play in the league, completing a doctorate at Rice University.

Personal facts

Birth dateJuly 12, 1936
Birth place
Texas , Fort Worth Texas
Height (meters)1.905
Weight (Kilograms)90.2664


American football player

Career start1958
Career end1970
Debut team
St. Louis Rams
Draft pick55
Draft round5
Draft year1958
Former team
Cleveland Browns
St. Louis Rams
Washington Redskins

Frank Ryan on Wikipedia