Juan Castillo American football player

Juan Castillo (born October 8, 1959) is the offensive line coach for the Baltimore Ravens. He was defensive coordinator for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League from February 2, 2011 to October 16, 2012 when he was fired. He played college football at Texas A&I as a linebacker. He played for the San Antonio Gunslingers of the United States Football League from 1984–1985. He joined the Eagles in 1995 as an offensive assistant. He was promoted to tight ends coach in 1997, and switched to offensive line coach in 1998.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 08, 1959


American football player

Career start1984
Career end1985
Debut team
San Antonio Gunslingers
Former team
San Antonio Gunslingers
Undrafted year1981

Juan Castillo on Wikipedia