Pete Ladygo American football player

Peter Glenn "Pete" Ladygo (June 23, 1928 – August 22, 2014) was an American football player. He played as a guard and linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers in the National Football League from 1952 to 1954, and as a guard for the Ottawa Rough Riders in the Canadian Football League in 1955. Ladygo played college football for the University of Maryland.

Personal facts

Pete Ladygo
Birth dateJune 23, 1925
Height (meters)1.8796
Weight (Kilograms)108.864


American football player

Career start1952
Career end1955
Debut team
Pittsburgh Steelers
Draft pick186
Draft round16
Draft year1952
Former team
Pittsburgh Steelers
Ottawa Rough Riders
1954 Pittsburgh Steelers season

Pete Ladygo on Wikipedia