Ray Childress American football player

Raymond Clay Childress, Jr. (born October 20, 1962) is a former American football defensive lineman in the NFL for the Houston Oilers from 1985–1996, earning Pro Bowl honors five times. He shares the NFL record for fumble recoveries in a single game, having recovered three from the Washington Redskins on October 30, 1988. While playing college football at Texas A&M, Childress was twice named an All-American, and he ranks fifth all-time at the university in both career tackles and career sacks. He was recently inducted into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 20, 1962
Birth place
Memphis Tennessee


American football player

Career start1985
Career end1996
Debut team
Tennessee Titans
Draft pick3
Draft round1
Draft year1985
Lineman (American football)
Dallas Cowboys
Tennessee Titans

Ray Childress on Wikipedia