Roman Phifer American football player

Roman Zubinsky Phifer (born March 5, 1968) is a former American football linebacker of the National Football League.Phifer played for the New England Patriots, the New York Jets, the St. Louis Rams, and the New York Giants where he played in 211 NFL games and made 1134 tackles, 882 were solo, 252 assisted, 29 sacks, and 11 interceptions and was a Four-time Pro Bowl Alternate. Phifer played football and majored in history at the University of California Los Angeles and is a graduate of South Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Personal facts

Birth dateMarch 05, 1968
Birth place
Plattsburgh (city) New York


American football player

Career start1991
Career end2005
Draft pick31
Draft round2
Draft year1991
Denver Broncos
New England Patriots
New York Giants
New York Jets
St. Louis Rams

Roman Phifer on Wikipedia