André Davis American football player

André Davis is not to be confused with former Cleveland Browns teammate, linebacker Andra Davis.André N. Davis (born June 12, 1979 in Niskayuna, New York) is a former American football wide receiver and kick returner. He was originally drafted by the Cleveland Browns in the second round of the 2002 NFL Draft. He played college football at Virginia Tech.In addition to the Browns, Davis has also played for the New England Patriots, Buffalo Bills and Houston Texans in his career.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 12, 1979
Birth place
Niskayuna New York , New York
Height (meters)1.8542
Weight (Kilograms)88.452


American football player

Career start2002
Debut team
Cleveland Browns
Draft pick47
Draft round2
Draft year2002
Former team
Buffalo Bills
Cleveland Browns
Houston Texans
New England Patriots

André Davis on Wikipedia

External resources
