Christian Mohr American football player

Christian Mohr (born April 5, 1980, in Aachen, Germany) is an American football defensive end who played for the Seattle Seahawks, Philadelphia Eagles and Cleveland Browns of the National Football League.He was signed by the Düsseldorf Panther in 2001 to play in the GFL. He started playing football at the age of 19. Five years later, Christian Mohr signed a two-year contract with the Seattle Seahawks in 2005, despite never having played college football in the United States. Christian also played for the Berlin Thunder and Rhein Fire in the NFL Europe from 2004 to 2007, won the World Bowl with Berlin Thunder 2004 and received All-NFL Europe team honors in 2005 and 2006 and Team Defense MVP honors in 2005, 2006 and 2007.The Indianapolis Colts offered him a contract for the 2007 NFL season, but an injury kept Mohr from playing.However, he kept training with his local Aachen team Grasshopper Hassenichjesehn until his injuries healed.He played for the GFL-Team Kiel Baltic Hurricanes for the second half of the 2009 season. The Mönchengladbach Mavericks signed him for the 2010 and 2011 season.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 05, 1980
Birth place
Aachen , Germany
Height (meters)1.9812
Weight (Kilograms)113.8536


American football player

Former team
Cleveland Browns
Philadelphia Eagles
Seattle Seahawks
Berlin Thunder
Kiel Baltic Hurricanes
Mönchengladbach Mavericks
Düsseldorf Panther
Rhein Fire
StatusInternational Practice Squad
Cleveland Browns

Christian Mohr on Wikipedia

External resources
