Dan Cody American football player

Dan Cody is also the name of a character in the novel The Great Gatsby.Daniel Price Cody (born December 1, 1983 in Ada, Oklahoma) is a former American football linebacker. He was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens in the second round of the 2005 NFL Draft. He played college football at Oklahoma.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 01, 1983
Birth place
Oklahoma Sooners football , Ada Oklahoma
Height (meters)1.9558
Weight (Kilograms)115.668


American football player

Career start2006
Debut team
Baltimore Ravens
Draft pick53
Draft round2
Draft year2005
Former team
Baltimore Ravens

Dan Cody on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/People/Players/Active/Dan_Cody.aspx