David Frisch American football player

David Joseph Frisch, Jr. (born June 22, 1970) is a former American football tight end in the National Football League.Frisch was born to David and Janet (Wecker) Frisch. He attended Northwest High School in House Springs, Missouri. After high school to he played college football at Iowa Central Community College, the University of Missouri and Colorado State University.He played with the Cincinnati Bengals as a tight-end from 1993 to 1995. Frisch was with the New England Patriots for a year in 1995 and then played with the Minnesota Vikings. He ended his career after a few years with the Washington Redskins.Frisch is a descendant of Rev. Martin Boehm and Lt. John Gibbs.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 22, 1970
Birth place
Kirkwood Missouri


American football player

Colorado State University
University of Missouri
Iowa Central Community College
Cincinnati Bengals
Minnesota Vikings
New England Patriots
Washington Redskins

David Frisch on Wikipedia