Harold Bishop American football player

Harold Lucius Bishop, Jr. (born April 8, 1970) is a former American football tight end in the National Football League (NFL) for five teams.He played college football at Louisiana State University from 1989-1994. He was drafted by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1994. In the 1995 off season the Buccaneers traded Bishop to the Browns for the 35th pick in the second round of the 1996 NFL Draft and selected Mike Alstott with the pick. He was on the team when the Cleveland Browns became the Baltimore Ravens. He played one season in NFL Europe with the Rhein Fire, who won the World Bowl in 1997. Harold then signed with the Pittsburgh Steelers and played with them from 1998 to 1999. Harold married Pamela Castille Bishop in 1994, and they have three children, Harold III (Trey), Brandon, and Lauren.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 08, 1970
Birth place
Mississippi , Booneville Mississippi


American football player

Career start1994
Debut team
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Draft pick69
Draft round3
Draft year1994
Former team
Baltimore Ravens
Cleveland Browns
Pittsburgh Steelers
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Washington Redskins

Harold Bishop on Wikipedia