Riley Odoms American football player

Riley Mackey Odoms (born March 1, 1950 in Luling, Texas) is a former American football tight end. He played college football at the University of Houston and his entire professional career with the Denver Broncos of the National Football League. Odoms was drafted fifth overall in the 1972 NFL Draft, which made him the second highest tight end ever taken in the NFL Draft.Odoms was a four-time Pro Bowl selection and was a two-time All-Pro. He finished his career with 396 receptions for 5,755 yards and 41 touchdowns.He is the grandson of Baseball Hall of Famer, Biz Mackey.

Personal facts

Birth dateMarch 01, 1950
Birth place
Luling Texas


American football player

Career start1972
Career end1983
Debut team
Denver Broncos
Draft pick5
Draft round1
Draft year1972
Tight end

Riley Odoms on Wikipedia