Henry Thomas American football player

Henry Thomas (born January 12, 1965) is a former defensive tackle in the National Football League. He played for the Minnesota Vikings for most of his career. His nickname was Hardware Hank. A third-round pick by the Vikings out of LSU, Thomas was a part of the Vikings feared front four of the late 1980s and early 1990s including John Randle, Keith Millard, Al Noga, and Chris Doleman. Famed for his sideways three-point stance, Thomas twice was selected to the Pro Bowl. He followed Vikings' defensive line coach John Teerlinck to the Detroit Lions in 1995, where he played two seasons, before finishing his career with four seasons with the New England Patriots.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 12, 1965
Birth place


American football player

Career start1987
Career end2000
Draft pick72
Draft round3
Draft year1987
Tackle (American and Canadian football)
Detroit Lions
Minnesota Vikings
New England Patriots

Henry Thomas on Wikipedia